William J. "Billy" Coffman

Date of Birth:  November 12, 1917


Place of Birth:  Kansas City, Missouri


Father and Mother’s Names:  Delmar and Rose (Bright) Coffman


Spouse and Children’s Names:  Mary Roberts


Date Entered Service:  Janurary 24, 1942 (in Sante Fe, New Mexico)


Service Branch:  Army Air Corps


Rank/Specialty:  Second Lieutenant


Service ID:  O-797266


Division/Company/Unit info:  561st Bomber Squadron, 388th Heavy Bomber Group, 8th Air Force.


Riley Connection:  Enumerated 1920 in Manhattan, Kansas while living at 1219 Houston St. Enumerated again 1930 in Manhattan, Kansas living at 1314 Fremont St.


Date of Death (and Age):  July 29, 1942 (age 25)


Place of Death:   William's plane went down in the English Channel.


Grave Location:  Coffman was reported as Missing In Action and his body was never found. He was memorialized on the Tablets of the Missing at Cambridge American Cemetery at Cambridge, England.


Bio:  TBD



The information available for this veteran is incomplete.  We would like to include as much information about all our veterans as possible, so if you or someone you know has any additional information we encourage you to contact us at: peacememorialmanhattan@gmail.com.  Thank you for your support.



History of the 101   The Forgotten 101   2610 From Riley