Kendall Evans

Date of Birth:  August 22, 1920


Place of Birth:  Kansas


Father and Mother’s Names:  Morris and Dorothy Evans


Date Entered Service:  August 1942


Service Branch:   Army


Service Number:  01592805


Rank:  Second Lieutenant


Division/Company/Unit info:  1105 Quatermaster Company


Riley Connection:  The 1930 U.S. Census shows the Evans family as living at 1601 Poyntz Ave., and Kendall attended Kansas State College where he served as the editor of the Collegian.


Date of Death (and Age):  July 31, 1944 (age 23).  Cause of death TBD.


Place of Death:  TBD

Grave Location:  Sunset Cemetery, Manhattan, Kansas.


Bio:  The 1930 U.S. Census shows the Evans family as living at 1601 Poyntz Ave., and his father was an instructor at Kansas State College. The 1940 U.S. Census shows Kendall’s parents as living in Amarillo, Texas where his father took a job as an economist for the U.S. Deptartment of Agriculture. By then, Kendall was a student at KSC and had continued to live in Manhattan while attending school.  He served as an editor of The Collegian. Kendall served in the Army in the 1105 Quartermaster Company.



The information available for this veteran is incomplete.  We would like to include as much information about all our veterans as possible, so if you or someone you know has any additional information we encourage you to contact us at:  Thank you for your support.

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