John W. Nicholes

Date of Birth:  January 11, 1910


Place of Birth:   Des Moines, Iowa


Father and Mother’s Names:  H. Earl Nicholes and Pearl Rosella (Rasmussen) Nicholes


Date Entered Service:  March 3, 1942 at Fort Riley, Kansas.


Service Branch:   Army


Service Number:  0-1305464


Rank:  Second Lieutenant


Division/Company/Unit info:  Lima Company, 339th Infantry Regiment, 85th Infantry Division.


Awards and Commendations:  Purple Heart and Silver Star


Riley Connection:  Attended Kansas State College in Manhattan and entered service at Fort Riley, Kansas.


Date of Death (and Age):  June 13, 1944 (age 33)


Place of Death:  Near Rome, Italy (KIA).

Grave Location:  Originally burried in Italy. Re-interred on February 16, 1949 to Masonic Cemetery, Des Moines, IA.


Bio:  John was born on January 11, 1910 in Des Moines, Iowa to Earl Nicholes and Pearl Rosella (Rasmussen) Nicholes.  He was an only child and was raised from infancy to adulthood in Topeka, KS.  In 1929, John was employed for the Sears Roebuck and Company as a salesman.  John's father was a printer for Capper Publications Company and John was working there in 1935.  John joined the Army on 3/30/1942. By May of 1944, John was a 2nd Lt attached to Lima Company, 339th Infantry Regiment, 85th Division, USAGF (United States Army Ground Forces).  John and his Company were trying to take the capitol city of Rome, Italy but before he could reach Rome, he was Killed in Action.  He was awarded the Silver Star for his actions and bravery and the Purple Heart for his sacrifice.




The information available for this veteran is incomplete.  We would like to include as much information about all our veterans as possible, so if you or someone you know has any additional information we encourage you to contact us at:  Thank you for your support.


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